The Show Data tab shows you a structured view of the key details extracted from the transcript in a concise, easy-to-read format.
If the information pulled into your Medical Record wasn't as precise as you were hoping, we recommend looking in the Show Data tab, as more details about what you vocalized during your appointment will be here.
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To access the Data tab:
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At the bottom of your screen, click the 'Show Data' tab
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Here's what the Structured Data output looks like using our demo appointment for Julius the cat:
Patient Name: Julius
Patient Age: Senior
Patient Breed: Cat
Neutered: Unknown
Patient Sex: Unknown
History: Straining in and out of the litter box for about a week, noticed a little pool of blood in his pee, not much urine output.
Diet: Eats wet and dry Hills Senior cat food.
CSVD: No coughing or sneezing.
Urination/Defecation: Straining in and out of the litter box, blood in urine, not much urine output.
Energy Levels: Active, runs around his tower a lot.
Appetite: Normal
Owners Chief Concern: Straining in and out of the litter box, blood in urine.
Reason for Appointment: Concern about urinary issues.
Patient Behaviour: Active
Ears: Clear of debris
Eyes: Not mentioned
Oral/Dental: Teeth look excellent for his age
Cardiovascular: Normal heart rate and rhythm, no murmur detected
Respiratory: Not mentioned
Neurological: Not mentioned
Musculoskeletal: No signs of arthritis, good range of motion
Lymphatic: Not mentioned
Gastrointestinal: Not mentioned
Reproductive: No inflammation around his prepuce
Urinary: Bladder feels small, not overly in pain, doesn't feel excessively firm
Fur/Skin: Fur is really clean and well kept
Temperature: Not mentioned
Weight: 10.5 pounds
Body Condition Score: 5/9
Capillary Refill Time: Not mentioned
Respiratory Rate: Not mentioned
Heart Rate: Normal
Microchip Number: Not mentioned
Hydration Status: Not mentioned
Overall Health: Cardiovascular, respiratory, and musculoskeletal systems are healthy
Nutritional/Gastrointestinal Health: Not mentioned
Dental/Oral Health: Teeth look excellent for his age
Sensory/Ocular Health: Ears clear of debris
Reproductive Health: No inflammation around his prepuce
Physical Condition/Mobility: No signs of arthritis, good range of motion
Other Health Concerns: Possible urinary tract infection, crystals, or bladder sludge
Recommendations for Owner: NSAID panel or mini blood profile, urinalysis, lateral x-ray
Other Medication Details: Owner comfortable administering pills in food
Diagnostic Results: Not yet available
Tests Ordered: NSAID panel or mini blood profile, urinalysis, lateral x-ray
Tests/Treatments Completed: Not mentioned
Referrals: Not mentioned
Follow-Up Plans: Decide on appropriate medications based on test results
Information Needed from Vet: Not mentioned
Costs: Cost difference of about $50 for the mini blood profile