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View a Note's Transcript

Did something not show up in your Note? Chances are it's recorded in the full transcript!

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Want to view what was said in full from your appointment? We generate your transcript and you have full access to it!

Note: You can only view the transcript on the Scribenote web app (

To view the entire word for word transcript of your note,

  1. Click on any note to edit it.

  2. At the bottom of your screen, you'll see a tab that says Show Transcript

  3. Click on that tab and the full transcript will slide up!

  4. You can click on the Hide Transcript tab again to minimize it.

From there, you can copy any info you'd like into your note, or copy the entire transcript, or download it as a PDF using the buttons shown here:

Tip #1: If you need to find something quickly in your transcript, you can use the Command - 'F' function on your computer. See here:

Tip #2: Use the 'Show Data' tab to see a structured view of the key details extracted from the transcript in a concise, easy-to-read format.

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