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Quick Copy
Updated over a week ago

Quick Copy is the easiest way to get your SOAP notes into an external EMR or documentation system. It allows you to copy each S-O-A-P field in just one click, without having to worry about pesky click-and-dragging. โœ‚๏ธ

To Quick Copy any S-O-A-P field, you can use the copy buttons in the SOAP fields on any note, as shown below, from the Inbox:

Or, use the purple copy button on the top right to copy the entire SOAP note at once. This still keeps the SOAP sections in plain text.

From there, simply paste the data where you need it!

Another Awesome Copy Method

Click To Copy is part of our Scribenote Desktop Widget. It is a downloadable desktop app that will eliminate the need to keep flipping back and forth between Scribenote and your PIMS while you're copying notes over, saving you precious minutes! ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Click the button, then paste to where you want the contents of the note to go using Ctrl + V or right-clicking.

The widget will only display your completed (ie submitted) notes, so make sure you've submitted any notes available to review prior to using. Download it here (please note that it is currently available on Windows only):

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