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Scribenote Lingo
Scribenote Lingo

Understanding the vocabulary that we are using!

Updated over a week ago

Here are a list of commonly used words at Scribenote that we tend to say that maybe might not be clear externally!


A.I. [ay·iy] noun - short for artificial intelligence, our magical scribe fairy that generates your veterinary medical documentation, it learns what we teach it

app [ap] noun - Scribenote is a software application that is accessible on your browser as a web app or downloaded on any mobile device through the App Store or Play Store

auto-note [aa·tow·nowt] noun - short for automatic note, a medical note generated from our AI model extracted from the audio file of your recording


beta [bay·tuh] adjective - cool feature(s) that we have newly released however not officially, Scribenauts are welcomed to try these features but are warned that it is still yet to be perfected (feedback is welcomed)


record [ri·kawd] noun - auto-note type that gives you more than a summary, requires subscription (ie. Medical Record returns SOAP format and Dental Record returns a chart)


scribe [skribe] noun - a professional copyist

Scribenaut [skribe·naat] noun - a Scribenote team member, a Scribenote user, a supporter or a Scribenote community member

Scribenote [skribe·nowt] noun - an AI software that creates medical notes for vets


time-saver [time·say·vr] verb - personal time not used for medical documentation

trial [trai·uhl] verb - users get 50 free auto-notes to try out Scribenote upon creating an account on

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