Having issues? This is the first place to look.
10 articles
Quick Start Guide
Everything you need to know about using Scribenote!
5 articles
Things that people have asked us a lot!
12 articles
AI-Generated Notes
The heart of how Scribenote works.
15 articles
Scribenote Desktop Widget
Draggy-Droppy, Click to Copy!
4 articles
Scribenote Web App (
Read these guides if you're using Scribenote in your web browser.
14 articles
Scribenote Mobile App (Legacy)
Read these guides if you're using the Scribenote app on your phone or tablet.
11 articles
Teams and Multi-User Functionality
You can use Scribenote with your team!
4 articles
Settings to customize your Scribenote experience.
3 articles
Misc. Tools and Features
Lesser known tools and tips!
4 articles
Account and Billing
Account, profile and subscription inquiries!
2 articles
Scribenote Mobile App (New!)
Read these guides if you are using the newly released Scribenote app on your phone or tablet.
6 articles