Note: These Custom Defaults only apply to the default Medical Record type. To add Custom Defaults to an Adaptive Template, simply type them into your template in the Objective section. For more information, see Step # 5 here:
Did you know that you can customize your SOAP notes' "Objective" section with your default phrase? You can do so by using our Custom Objective Defaults feature!
When creating your SOAP note, any system not specified during your appointment will be labelled as "not mentioned" by default. But don't worry—customizing this is easy!
Simply enable the Custom Objective Default feature and set your preferred default phrase, and you'll only need to mention the abnormal systems during the appointment to be included in your SOAP! If your preferred default phrase is 'Normal on Exam,' you'll only need to enable the feature, and the rest will be done for you!
This will instantly convert simple phrases like 'normal,' 'clear,' or 'looks good' to your preferred default phrase, significantly reducing the time you spend editing!
Note: This setting can only be changed on the web app at
How to:
Go to your account profile settings.
Scroll down to the Notes section and enable the Custom Objective Defaults toggle to on:
Here, you will be able to type in the phrase you'd like for each Objective field! Each Medical Record you make going forward will then use these settings as your 'default.'
You can go back and edit this whenever you'd like.